A Private Exhibitionist.

If I’ve been drinking, I am a show off. I become loud, obnoxious, and unapologetic.

In every day life, I’m afraid to smile at someone the wrong way. I don’t speak to anyone I don’t know, because I don’t like to assume that anyone wants to talk to me. It’s probably something to do with the idea that as an adult, inherent value of others is not assumed, and so I go into situations knowing that my value starts at zero. I have to work hard to get to the level of acquaintance, and then there’s always more work to figure out where everyone’s boundaries are. Making friends is hard.

I often think about my confidence levels, and how that affects people’s perception of me. I know that if I just spoke a little louder, with a little more conviction, and if I stood a little taller, I might have more chance of being heard and seen. I’ll look at the things that others share on social media, and I just can’t see myself joining in with the wide broadcast of daily life’s minutiae. I see people sharing their creations with confidence: “Look, I made this, and I want to show it to the world because I believe in it”. I struggle to bring myself to do this. No matter how much work I’ve put into something, it’s never good enough. That’s why I have this blog that I don’t share with people in my real life. I want to have somewhere to share without the risk of someone seeing that I’m not good enough.

Trust is Earned, but I am So Poor.

So I was supposed to go on a date yesterday.

This was to be my first ever ‘first date’. I am 26.

I’d built up the courage to finally meet someone I didn’t know. I was so proud of myself that even though I was nervous (I turned up to lectures an hour early and missed stops on the bus which I NEVER do), I had every intention of showing up and making an effort. I even shaved my legs for the first time in like three weeks.

And then the day of, he cancelled.

He said he woke up feeling sick (oh and “sorry, but it’s raining anyway so I guess I don’t feel so bad now”).

I want to believe him. I want to believe he was genuinely ill but I just can’t. I trust literally zero people on this planet. I have been surrounded by abusers, manipulators, narcissists and users my whole life and at this point I have no reason to believe that there is anyone good left.

How am I supposed to have any kind of relationship with anyone when I believe that nobody is trustworthy? I know it’s not the ‘right’ thing to think but as much as I may be aware of that, I can’t just choose to believe something else.

At every turn, people are disappointing. I can’t trust that people will be nice, that they won’t lie, or cheat. I can’t trust that people are going to treat me right, or treat anyone else right. I can’t trust people to be who they say they are, or to do what they say they will.

I so badly need to meet someone I trust but I really don’t believe it’s going to happen, because so far, I haven’t.


Waiting for Someone Who Cares Enough to Stay Up.

I have friends. But I’m not sure I can count on them. One, I left because I wasn’t allowed to disagree with her. My opinion, should it differ, was always wrong. And if I was upset, it was my fault for feeling that way, and I should stop. Another, I left because she told me I wasn’t trying hard enough, and that she was getting tired of the fact that I wasn’t doing well. She didn’t want to be there for me any more so I granted her wish.

I have friends that say they can be there whenever I need them. But when it comes to it, and I ask them for help, it becomes a time for them to tell me all about their own lives. I don’t mind lending an ear, but it becomes difficult when I am the one in crisis. I have friends who tell me to be careful about my behaviour, or I’ll lose them. I have friends who tell me that my low moods and paranoia are making them feel inadequate. I have friends who know I need their support, but don’t want to make plans, because it’s a chore. I have friends who have asked me how I am and regretted it. I have friends who no longer ask.

If I am finding myself falling into a hole at 2am, I sometimes wonder if there is anyone I can call. But I don’t wonder any more. People never seem to be as worried as I am about whats going on. I get it, they can’t read minds, but it’s not exactly like I can articulate what’s happening at the best of times, let alone when I’m not in a good place. I have had people ask me mid chat if I’m ok, because they want to go to bed. If I was in their position, I would stay up, no matter what my plans were the next day. I would do that to make sure that my friend is alright. I wouldn’t ask “are you sure you’re ok?” because I know how I would play it in that situation. Of course I would say “yes I’m fine!” and be adamant about it. Because your bedtime is more important than my mental health. Because god forbid I make you a bit tired tomorrow. Even at the risk of my own life.

I am a nihilist.


If most people feel the way I do, which wouldn’t surprise me, I don’t get it. I don’t understand how people can just walk around, putting on the face that says “yes! look! I am a human! this is me doing my job!, This is me doing my hobbies! I am alive!”

So many people are suffering. I don’t understand how people aren’t just grabbing and shaking one another saying “Somebody! Please tell me it gets better! Please tell me this existence we just get dropped into unwillingly isn’t as arbitrary as I think it is. Because it’s pointless. And there are no guarantees. You can be smart and hardworking, and still not have the career you want. You can be attractive and interesting and still not end up with someone that makes you happy. You can eat right and exercise and still have a heart attack at 40. I can’t go on existing under the belief that anything I do matters, because it doesn’t. I hate time, I hate the world, I hate things, I hate myself and my body, I hate people. And I hate having to zoom in and focus on my tiny, arbitrary life in order to feel like I have a point. I hate it all and I can’t change anything.”

I don’t want to die, but I don’t want to live, either.


Just the Worst.

Usually, when you book in to see a counsellor, you expect some form of help. Or at least someone who will listen, because, you know, it’s their job. But apparently that is a bit too much to ask these days.

Firstly, The counsellor was late. I was left in an empty waiting room ten minutes after the session was due to start, which isn’t that long, but when they don’t have a receptionist, its not particularly reassuring. Remember this is a place people go for counselling.

When I eventually walk into the room, I make some sort of joke about being so high up in a building (or something just as inconsequential), and sit down. She asked me what brought me there, and of course I hesitated. She did not take this as an opportunity to ask a more specific question, or to say something like “take your time”, but instead just stared at me awkwardly. Yeah, because that’s what people who are distressed need; to feel uncomfortable.

After mentioning a few things that had been bothering me, she did not ask which I would like to start with, or which was bothering me the most, but instead dismissed everything I had said and asked “ok, so has anything happened in the past four weeks that you want to talk about?” … Um. Maybe one of the things I mentioned? Perhaps?

I tried to steer her in a more productive direction by mentioning my current struggle with personal relationships and how I’ve been pushing everyone away and avoiding interaction, because my brain is telling me it’s better that way since they don’t like me anyway (blah blah blah). She decided that the examples I gave her of this ‘evidence’ that people don’t like me totally justified my distance from them and that I should find some new friends. When I mentioned that it’s all of my friends, so the problem is probably with me, she just said “no I don’t think so”. Again, way to be supportive. Ten fucking gold stars for you.

I asked her about what her speciality was, in an effort to gauge her skill level (which was becoming clear to me anyway but I figured I’d give her the benefit of the doubt in case she had a really specific speciality that did not apply to me). She responded with a vague answer about people with work problems or mental health issues. Awesome, faith restored…

I then mentioned that I was concerned about my mental health. She said “oh! really?” …NO HAHA JK JUST SAID IT FOR FUN LOL dumb bitch. And then. She said. “You don’t look like a mentally ill” … um. what. So I had to say it; “well what does a mentally ill person look like exactly?” I started laughing because honestly, it was ridiculous. She starts telling me that depressed people (because apparently depression is the only mental illness in existence) would look sad all the time, probably crying. Oh ok so I should just walk around in my day to day life in tears. Because that’s totally appropriate. For fucks sake.

Perhaps having noticed that I was getting irritated, she offered to give me a questionnaire to get some indication of whether I might be depressed (again, apparently the only mental illness in existence), so I say ok. The asks me which one I would like to do, and gives me no other details to help me make the choice. I am becoming increasingly irritated at this point. It’s quite clear I came here for no reason. So I fill out the questionnaire, and she marks it. It came up with a high score, indicating likelihood of depression. She asked me if I was surprised, I said no. She then put the questionnaire down and said “I don’t think you have depression”. Yeah, cool neither do I but I know something’s fucked up, wanna help? No?

I then tried to talk about the massive great fuck off wall that I have built around myself and has existed my whole life. I talk about how it stops me from saying pretty much anything that crosses my mind. Basically I over-filter. She says “oh ok, maybe try just opening up a bit more” HOLY SHIT CALL THE NEWS SHE’S A FUCKING GENIUS. I take a deep breath, tell her it’s not that simple for me (or for anyone else, but I didn’t want to make her feel any more incompetent than she probably already makes herself feel). She then says “well I definitely don’t think you’re depressed, because depressed people wouldn’t be able to guard themselves like that. They wouldn’t be thinking about it, they would just be thinking that they are sad”. Well if depressed people have a range of thought that small, then you’ve taught me something today, lady.

She then starts telling me how I need to be more assertive- and explains that I should be more firm and speak up for myself, but still be respectful about it. (what? where did this come from?) At this point there is about ten minutes left so I let her ramble, take the leaflet she gives me, and smile and nod because what is the fucking point. I then leave the office of what I believe to be possibly the worst counsellor on the planet, and never return.


Hallelujah, I’ve been saved by no one again.

You may have noticed by now that I am not a very grown up grown-up. I still don’t know how to remove water spots from glass, or really which type of cleaner I should be using for any given surface. I don’t have a clue how to invest in anything (do you do this online? someone tell me please). Sometimes I have toast for dinner. Oh, and I can’t drive.

My mother just visited for the week, and it was great, in that I could just be a kid again. I got driven around, had dinner bought or cooked for me, she de-boned a chicken because she knew I wouldn’t want to, she even made me some pyjamas. Honestly, mums are great. But I’ve never been particularly open with mine. We get on well, and we laugh about some pretty stupid shite, but I’ve always felt like we’ve never really known each other.

Our conversations are limited to what we are doing in our work lives at that point in time, where the cat is and what she’s doing, or what we’re going to have for dinner. There aren’t really any opportunities for bigger talk. Anything that treads vaguely into that territory is swiftly pulled back by the neck into safer realms. I don’t particularly have a problem with this, being that she is my mother, but it’d be nice if I had anyone else who was willing to omit the small talk.

I get that everyone else is also a mess and sometimes has toast for dinner, but that doesn’t help me feel any less lost in life. I still go home to an empty life house, where as soon as I walk in, I’m already frozen, staring wistfully into the middle distance thinking “well what the fuck do I do now?” I have no one to go home to at the end of the day, and why would I, when there’s nobody willing to come home to me?

Right now, all of my friends are overseas, working when I am not, or on my list of “not currently talking to…” (mostly the latter). This makes life a little hard, when all you really want is some meaningful human interaction. I have this stupid thought in my head telling me that pushing people away is the right thing to do, because they’ll only leave anyway. I’m doing us both a favour and saving time. And even though I know it’s a dumb thought, I agree with it anyway. Literally no one is going to be with you your whole life, so why try? Why be upset that you don’t get tagged in memes because nothing reminds people of you, when you can just choose not to have friends?

It seems the thing I need to do, is to stop being so guarded and closed off from literally everyone. It’s not really protecting yourself when it’s causing the harm, right? Chances are I’m not going to listen to myself, I’ll probably just continue to think of excuses to drive myself further towards hermit-hood. I’ve lost friends, and gained nothing, really.

Now I just have a wishbone sitting on my windowsill and no one to pull it with.

A Sad post; because my negative emotions are not limited to anger.

Most people have emotions. I’m almost sure I’m one of these people, but it seems like pretty much the only emotion I actually notice is sadness. It’s the one that puts it’s little tentacle up, and says “hello“.

I hear people talk about their depression and how they wake up and they just feel heavier, or more tired or just not right. I don’t know if that’s how it works for me, I don’t know how to identify it. For everyone else, even though the experience might be foggy, they’re still sure it’s happening.

I’ve entertained the thought that I might be bipolar. If I have a feeling, it tends to be very sad, and sometimes I get really excited about life. But most of the time there’s a whole lot of nothing. Maybe I don’t have the normal range of emotions, I don’t know if I’m depressed, and I don’t know if there’s even anything going on, I might just be a normal person who gets a bit sad sometimes.

I do know that it stops me from functioning at my already-inhibited level. I can barely feed myself, my house doesn’t get cleaned, it’s a miracle my cat is still alive. But I don’t know if that’s enough to call it anything. I don’t want to complain about feeling tired or unmotivated. I don’t want to tell people that no, I don’t want to hang out, because it won’t be fun, because nothing is anymore. I’m not part of the self-harm club, but I will say one thing about life; it continues, and I’m not sure how much I like that.

Maybe I should talk about it. It would be nice if I had a proper family. It would probably also be nice to be the kind of person who feels ok to just ask a friend over if I’m feeling a bit shite. But it’s my faultI can’t expect people to read minds, so why should I bother feeling alone when I don’t ask anyone to be there?

Who knows, I’ll probably feel fine tomorrow.